Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Animal Farm

Benjamin is completely apathetic (does not care enough to say anything or warn the animals even though he knows what is happening). Mollie is completely vain. She doesn't want to work and only wants to be worshipped and spoiled for her beauty. Which is worse? Why?


  1. I think that what mollie is doing is worse because shes not helping on the farm yet she still gets to eat with them and be called a member. Which is not fair to the other animals, even though benjamin is mean and does not tellanyone about anything he knows which is selfish but i think what mollie is doing is worse.

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  3. Benjamin is defientaly worst because he has the power to understand what is going on and he could start a revolt against the pigs but keeps all the info to himself. If he persuaded the animals what was going on they could totally take on the pigs and call it the Battle of Bacon because they could totally demolish them.
    - Alyssa Belschner

  4. Mollie is worse because she is selfish and cares only about herself. Benjamin doesn't say anything. Even if Benjamin did say something the pigs would easily turn him into an enemy of the farm by saying he is only trying to help Snowball get Jones his farm back.

  5. i think Mollie because she is only around when she wants to eat or there is no work to do. Mollie is just lazy and selfish, she comes around when she wants. Benjamin could say something but i think hes afraid of the pigs finding out.

    -Bianca Bertolino

  6. personaly i say ben, becuase if u dont like whats going on and do nothing about it your just as bad as the one doing the act that you dont like. If you cant stand up for yourself you might as well be a human or animal door mat and no one will ever respect you. If you dont even have enough respect for yourself to make your feelings and opions known by others then what can you honestly accomplish in life. Ben is pathetic just for letting this happen and not do anything to stop it.

  7. I would have to that Benjamin is way worse than Mollie. Yes Mollie is selfish, but she loves the affection that she gets from humans and by living at Animal Farm noone would be able to provide her with that. Benjamin has a voice but he does not choose the use that. Having freedom of speech is a right and he chooses to ignore it. He is to timid to stand up for himself. He knows what Napoloen is doing all along and he does nothing to change it. He actually could have ran Napoleon off the farm rather than the fair leader Snowball. It is worse to be silent in a time where you can make a difference. Mollie just made a choice to work like a slave and get nothing in return or to look pretty and get food/ribbons in return. It was her own choice and she has a right to make that desicion. Benjamin had the choice as well, but he figured noone would listen to him. Instead he should have atleast tried but he put no effort into it. Everyone is entitled to speak and he did not use his free right.


  8. I would say bejamin is worse because atleast Mollie states her opinoins on farm ideas.. Benjamain keeps quiet and that won't get him anywhere. I personally despise lazy people in novels because they never show any charcter develpment unlike an animal like Mollie.. she shows nuch more character. Benjamin is very plain and keeps his trap shut when he knows other animals are in danger of dying... In conclusion, that in a sense is more selfish than Mollie would ever have been.
    -Ral :)

  9. I personally believe that Benjamin’s situation is worse than Millie’s. Although Mollie is vain and only cares about herself rather than the farm and the animals around her, there is no way Mollie could make that much of an impact for the benefit of the farm. Benjamin is educated and smart enough to realize what Napoleon is doing yet chooses to keep his mouth shut and not stick up for himself and the other animals. If only Benjamin would warn the animals, the farm may be ran differently and more effectively.
