Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blog #2

How do our life experiences shape our lives?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Things Fall Apart

How would you respond if a small group of newcomers entered our school and told us that our approach to education was completely incorrect? That in fact we needed to spend more time memorizing facts, practicing handwriting, and working independently than discussing ideas, sharing writings, and working collaboratively—if you’re ever going to become valuable in this world? To take it to the next step, how would you respond if they informed you that our cultural festivals, Kick Off Dance, Snow Ball, and participation in sports should be eliminated, for they detract from our goal of gaining knowledge? Now, beyond just saying that these elements are unnecessary or not working, the group begins to make changes to the practices and policies of our school. Record how you might react to just such a situation.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Follow Up

How do our life experiences change and shape our thoughts and feelings?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kris and Monique had tremendous impacts on each other's lives. Who gained the most from their relationship?
Let's say you have the chance to meet Ishmael Beah, what would you like to ask him?
What is Gene's separate peace?
What is Gene's separate peace?