Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blog #2

How do our life experiences shape our lives?


  1. Life experiences can shape the way we live our lives. In life we encounter many problems, many good experiences, and many sad moments. Early life experiences shape the way it continues in the future. For instance, say if in one's childhood, one encounters many fights. From the the "rough" and "tough" fighting experiences, later on in life the human may be prepared to face tough and unsolvable problems. For example, in the "Scarlet Letter" Hester's life is shaped from the experiences of being mortified, socially excluded, and branded with the "A" of the scarlet letter. From these life experiences she is headstrong towards the Puritans way of showing their hate and their way they exclude her. As Hester and Pearl are walking down the street the children squawk, " Behold, verily, there is the woman of the scarlet letter"(94). As the children scream and hurl mud at Hester, she ignores them and continues on her walk. From the experiences of being exluded, humilated, and branded with the scarlet letter she is able to throw aside the hurtful comments and move on with her life. This also applies with anybody in life today. Life as we know it can be changed by what we do, but it is shaped by our life experiences.

  2. Life experiences can affect us in both negative and positive ways. Tragedies we experience and mistakes we make can ultimately be beneficial to our character. Major influences in our lives, like parents, can actually be harmful to their children’s development. When a person experiences a tragedy, such as the loss of a loved one, that person may learn to value life more, like my aunt. After losing her son in a car accident a young age, she started to appreciate and treasure the family she still had. Life experiences can also cause people to change their perspectives. When a person makes a mistake, such as getting involved in crime at a young age, he may regret the mistake, but be able to learn from it. In the future, that person may be sympathetic, rather than accusing towards juvenile delinquents. Life experiences can also change people for the worse. If a major influence such as a parent is not supportive of his children or even abusive towards them, his children may not be successful in life. Without a strong adult influence, the children could grow up with corrupt values and not have a strong conscience. Some people are able to overcome their distressed childhoods, but others are seriously impaired by theirs. Clearly, life experiences have the power to change the people we become in the future.
    - Christina Totman

  3. Life experiences can change the way we live our lives. For example if someone has a bad experience at the beach like getting lost or getting bitten by a crab they will no longer want to go the beach anymore. On the contrary if someone has a good experience at a baseball game they would associate a baseball game with positive connotations. Past life experiences has a big effect on how we choose our friend. If you have a good experiences with someone then you will want to hang out with them more often then with someone you had a bad experience with. A death can have a big influence on how we live our life. Going to a funeral affects your decision making. When making a decision you find yourself asking how would the person that died feel about you making this decision. Past life experiences effect how we make decisions in the future
    - Tyler Smith

  4. Life experiences shape our lives in both positive and negative ways. One who has many positive life experiences has a more positive outlook on life. For Instance a wealthy family who can afford to have food on the table looks forward to the next day. While a family that can barely afford anything views life in a negative way. On the contrary,sometimes a negative event can influence someone in a positive way. For example, when someone has a close friend that is diagnosed with a serious condition, like cancer, one appreciates life more. Instead of dragging oneself to school everyday the person thinks, "I'm lucky to be here instead of sick in Children's Hospital." Life experiences have a large impact on how people live.
    Katie Rowe

  5. Arianna Merullo
    The life experiences that people go through help them to make choices in the future. The experiences that people have had in their lives allow them to learn lessons and they affect the choice of another decision. An example is when a person studies for a test. On their nfirst test a person may not know what to expect and for that reason they may not study that well. For this reason they may not do that good on the test, but byu the second or third test the student may get used to the types of tests that teachers give. By now the student knows the right mateial to study in order to do well. Life expieriences are all about trial and error if something does not go the right way at first, just try again. If a person does not get the job they want on their first try they can try another company that offers the same profession. If that person really wants this job they can keep at it until they find that one that they really wanted. Of course in life there are experiences that have both the good and the bad affects. An exapmle is a person can get the job that they have always wanted but it does not pay well or it nis a far commute, or a person could hate their job except it pays well. In .ife the expieriences that we go theough help to shape our lives.

  6. Life experiences help to shape people's lives and decisions. Positive and negative experiences allow people to have influences on situations that they may not have had an opinion on before. Negative experiences, such as tragedies and deaths, can have positive outcomes. Deaths, most of the time, make people sad but they can also make people realize the importance of life and allow them to cherish every moment of life. Deaths also make people think twice about things. People do not want their loved ones to be dissapointed and ashamed of them. When my great aunt Aggie died I thought my life was over and nothing was ever going to be the same or as happy as it was when she was around. I learned however to grow without her. When I make decisions I think of Ag and ask if she would want me to do this or not. Events not as a big as deaths can also effect our lives. When we are little if we experience an event such as falling off of a slide we may be fearful to slides and heights when we are older. Happy and positive events also help to shape our lives. When we experience something that we like, we naturally want that experience to happen again. When people find that they like a sport, they will want to play that sport more often. When we find someone that we can relate to and can trust, we become closer to that person confide in them as well. Events in our lives are what shape our lives the most

  7. xkbasketballxl25 = kelsey leblanc

  8. Our life experiences shape our lives, most importantly the choices we make can lead us to our experiences, and effecting our lives forever. However, there are other experiences which are uncontrollable by us and might get in the way of our futures. After these kind of experiences, it is very important to make good and thoughtful decisions because these will shape our lives. After facing a tragedy, you can either move on or dwell on it. After facing many difficult experiences I am sure that people get stronger and can have less time to dwell on certain matters, therefore making them stronger in the future for their life. Certain important choices we make can transform our lives forever. --Bridget Yahoodik

  9. Life experiences play a big role in shaping our lives. As a child, family is a major influence on how one will live their life in the future. It could be either a good influence or a bad one, depending on issues in the family. For example, if a child has parents that always fight and a father that abuses the mother, that is what the child will think a family is supposed to be like. When that child grows older, it may end up being abusive as its father was, and always fight instead of communicating calmly. On the other hand, if someone had a very loving family their whole life, they would be the same way in the future when they have a family of their own because of the example that had been set for them. In addition, if someone were to have a bad experience while swimming and almost drowned, this would most likely make them afraid of water. In the future, that person might never go swimming in a pool or the ocean again in fear of drowning. Every time that person’s friends would go to the beach or go in someone’s pool, the person would have to be left out because of their fear from their childhood experience. Finally, if one were to lose someone very close to them, it would have a big effect on their perspective of life. For example, if someone lost one of their parents at a young age, they would learn to appreciate the family that they have much more. Rather than taking what they have for granted, they would be very loving and caring in the future toward their family and others around them because of their past loss. Overall, the many experiences people have in life have a great effect on their lives in the future.
    -Giana Grimaldi

  10. Life experiences have the ability to shape lives drastically, both harmfully and encouragingly. Life experiences lead to futures, dreams, and destinies. If one is influenced by beautiful writing or heartfelt paintings, they may aspire to discover a destiny within such artistic lines. Life experiences greatly affect our future; the people one becomes associated with will either provoke one to avoid such a future overall, or to work incredibly hard to prosper. If one experiences feelings very sad or beautiful, they may write a book to share their rare emotional-rollercoaster with the world. Additionally, life experiences have the ability to change lives. If one lacks life experiences overall, and finds life quite boring, they may be inspired to pursue a radical career. Many celebrities have sprouted from conventional lives in which they decided to take chances. Tragedies can impact one either positively or negatively depending on inner strength. For example, losing a parent as a teenager may provoke a mental breakdown, suicide, or simply a stronger character. Life experiences also change peoples perceptions of life in general. Regrets are unbelievably popular because people count others blessings instead of their own. Basically, life experiences provoke vital lessons, for example, if an acquaintance dies that one disrespected, regret will overtake them. Gloomy life experiences either felt directly or indirectly shape the inner strength and compassion of people.
    -Alessia Caruso

  11. A person’s life experiences can shape his or her life in a variety of ways. The main factor that contributes to someone’s outlook on life is if they view their past experiences as positive or negative. A person whose life consists of negative, unhappy memories generally have a pessimistic view about life itself. For instance, in The Scarlet Letter, Hester is forced to wear the letter “A” on her chest – a constant reminder of her sin as well as her unpromising future. Initially, Hester is ashamed of herself for being a sinner, and often weeps and becomes humiliated as a result. When Hester reflects upon her terrible crime that she committed, she becomes depressed and also angry. As the story continues, however, Hester gains a more positive perception of the scarlet letter that she must wear. Hester eventually realizes that the “A” on her chest can be used to teach her daughter, Pearl, lessons about life. Hester no longer dwells on the negative aspects of her past sin, but instead, focuses on its benefit. Hester Prynne is a prime example of how a person’s outlook on their past experiences can shape their life.

  12. Life experiences can shape our lives in numerous ways. These experiences, positive or negative, can influence the way we live our lives from day to day. When Hester Prynne is convicted of adultery her life changes in significant ways. Although the overall experience was tragic, the outcome was life changing. She became more active in her community by being charitable and compassionate. Not only do other people start to look at her differently, but she also sees herself in a different light. She becomes a different person who understands that all people make mistakes. Hester lives in a community where the Puritan people emphasize perfection. Her experience causes her to see that everyone has imperfections including people of power and nobility. Life experiences can also shape people in negative ways. For example, when I was in elementary school I loved to play on the monkey bars at the playground. One day, I attempted to jump and skip a couple of bars. I ended up falling on my back and getting the wind knocked out of me. Needless to say I never attempted to do this again. Although my experience was negative, it shaped me because I am more cautious about taking physical risks. Experiences both positive and negative help shape us as individuals and define who we are.

  13. Life experiences, whether good or bad, shape lives in both positive and negative ways. Through positive life experiences, people may gain happiness and an optimistic outlook on life, whereas negative life experiences may lead to depression and anxiety or give a person a bigger incentive to live. For example, a child that has suffered from the loss of a parent, a negative life experience, evidently may lead a life full of depression and despair, as the child cannot move on from the death. Contrastingly, a different child in the aforementioned situation may attempt to lead a life the way the parent would have wanted them to, resulting in achievements that would make the deceased proud. Furthermore, a positive life experience, like a job promotion, may also have positive and negative effects. Positively, the person would be making more money and be able to lead a more comfortable lifestyle. Negatively, the person may encounter more stress and have a greater fear of failing to achieve. For Hester in The Scarlet Letter, her negative experience of committing adultery affected her positively and negatively. Positively, Hester has a daughter, Pearl, and the scarlet letter enables her to do anything she wants as “the scarlet letter was her passport into regions where other women dared not tread” (165). Hester has the ability to do everything she ever wanted to do due to the scarlet letter. Negatively, Hester must cope with the disgust of the townspeople, as they do not approve of Hester committing adultery. However, through Hester basically being ostracized by society, she is able to become a seamstress and help the greater good, by sewing clothes for the rich and poor. Overall, good and bad life experiences affect the lives of people in both positive and negative ways.

    -Lauren Fabiszewski

  14. Life’s experiences affect our lives in different ways. They mold our identities in ways we sometimes don’t expect. In the past six month’s two experiences have made changes to my life. In April I experienced a deep pain in my leg. I had many tests which showed a broken bone caused by tumors. I have traveled to Boston to visit a specialist at the hospital there. He is well known and we sometimes have to wait for three hours to see him. We wait in a small area and see many people from all walks of life from many backgrounds. These people all have one common interest. They have great respect and faith in this famous physician. This has inspired me to hope someday to pursue a career in medicine. I had never even considered this vocation prior to meeting Dr. Ready. This experience has had a profound effect on my life in many ways. I now have a new break in my bone . This has given me determination to keep going in all aspects of my life and to not let little roadblocks like this get in my way. I want to strive harder to achieve my goals and I am aware that it takes hard work and overcoming shortcomings at times. I had the opportunity to travel to New Orleans this summer with a volunteer group. We were there to help rebuild homes. When I arrived at my assigned site the home owner came out to greet us. He was so delighted by our presence that he hugged us. I was surprised by this display of affection towards people that he barely knew. I came to realize that this man was lonely and was overjoyed by our mere presence, perhaps that even meant more to him than our painting his home. This experience opened my eyes to how other people live in different parts of our country and how they cope with their problems. Mr. Creecy, the gentleman whose home we painted, and many others in New Orleans served as an inspiration to me. I am now even more determined to stay strong, like these residents of New Orleans, and not to let my medical issues or any other struggles stand in my way. I will persevere to do my very best at all times. These life experiences have had a positive influence on my life.
    -John Potter Furey

  15. My life expiriences have changed the course of my life whether they be negitive or positive. During the summer of 6th grade my mother told me I had to be active during the summer instead of sitting around all day. She suggested a summercamp. I got out the SOFA packet and decided to choose the track camp. I was nervous my first day because it was a new expirience for me,but after a few days i relaxed and was having a fun time. I was pretty good, so with my instructor's training I ran my first 5k road race. It was the most exillerating expirience crossing that finish line with all of the fans cheering. It was then that I knew I had fallen in love with running. From that point on I have participated in numerous road races of various lengths. I am an active member of my schools cross counrty team as well as spring track. This one expirience at track camp as shaped and will continue to shape my life forever.

    - Graham Leman

  16. Life experiences that shape our lives provide a learning experience for the future. If we had not done something a certain way, the experience we get from that never would have happened, and lessons that come from the experience never would have been learned. Sometimes, a life experience can be tragic. Tragedy shapes our lives in a way that makes us stronger and more mature. A life experience can also be optimistic, and improves the quality of our lives. Either way, our lives are affected daily by the decisions we make and the outcome of those decisions.
    The experiences we have in life affect how we live our life in the future whether we realize it or not. Having a mentor’s friend die from an accident makes me much more cautious of where I go. Lighter experiences, such as being accepted into a prestigious symphonic orchestra, motivate me even more to practice my instrument and make it to the next level of achievement. These two examples of life experiences are significant enough to shape my life, though in different ways.
    Sometimes life experiences change lives drastically, and other times in a slight way. Accepting a new job across the country changes a life because it forces that person to re-create who they were at their old home. Not only would that affect the life of the person moving, it would affect the lives of many other people. In other situations, a student might get a low grade on a test, which would hopefully extrinsically motivate them to study harder and shape their life into becoming a better student. Life experiences shape the lives of many, whether it being in a minor or major way.
