Monday, March 15, 2010

Thicker than Blood

Both Kent and the Fool are determined to stand by the King, even when he banishes Kent and abuses the Fool with insults. Meanwhile, his daughters conspire to ruin him. Is the old adage that "blood is thicker than water" true? Discuss someone outside of your family whom you trust would never betray you.


  1. I believe the term "blood is thicker than water" can not always be true. I feel a very close friend can be someone to trust and rely on, although my best friend is not an immediate family member, she is someone I trust with any personal problem I have.

  2. In my life there are two people that are outside of my family that I can tell anything to without having the feeling of possibly being betrayed. Theses two girls are like my diary. The things that I am able to tell them help me cope so much better than keeping it all bottled up. They are the reason that I am able to function and get through each day. As they are my diary I am theirs. I would never go against them even if we do fall apart. The reson being that if they trusted me now they can trust me forever.

  3. Yes, I believe that the old adage, "blood is thicker than water," is very true, but there re some people who I can trust as much as I trust my family. This is saying that there is no stronger bond than the one a person has with their family. There are two or there people outside of my family that i can trust would never betray me. When i talk to them, I feel as though i am sharing something with my family. I have told these people many things that could not have been shared with anyone else and they never betrayed my trust and told anyone else. It is rare to find people like this outside of your immediate family, but they really do exist. And just as they keep my secrets, I keep the ones that they tell me, knowing that they would not want me to say anything to other people.

  4. I believe that "blood is thicker than water", meaning that blood-related family members are considered most important in life. I believe this because we will always have our family in our lives--even if we don't want them around at times, but we know that they will always be there. Friends are here for us, but sometimes our friendships will fade away. On the other hand, I have one friend who I know will be with me forever. I consider this friend a family member and am able to tell her anything. So, I do think that family is stronger than friendship, but there are some people in our lives who may not be blood-related but are still part of our families.

  5. I absolutely see the truth in the age old saying that "blood is thicker than water". Although I have many close friends who I would trust to a certain extent, I would never trust anyone more than my mother. In some cases people outside your family may be more reliable than the people in it but for the most part I believe your family is there for you through thick and thin. Friends may have your back in some situations but it's your family that will ultimately do anything for you.

  6. I definitely agree with the old adage that “blood is thicker than water”. There are very few people in my life that I trust with anything. The four people that I trust would never betray me outside of my family is the FAB. 5. They consist of my best friends and most I’ve known since kindergarten. I trust them to a certain extent yet nobody compares to my mother. I can tell her anything; she’s always supportive of me and never judges me. Friends are there for you most of the time and some never stay, but, your family is always there. That is proof that blood is thicker than water.

  7. I do agree with the old adage "blood is thicker than water". I believe that family is the one constant in everyones life. No matter what you do in life, your family will always be your family and you can never change that. If i had to trust someone with something very important it would probably me my mom. If I have something important or personal that is a secret I would probably go and tell her because I trust her. I do think that people can have good friends that they can share their secrets with, but sometimes friends are not the people who you thought they were and they may turn on you. That is why I am a firm believer in the adage "blood is thicker than water".

  8. I would say that blood is defiantly thicker than water. I would trust anyone in my family with pretty much anything. that’s not to say i don’t trust people outside my family. i have a few really good friends that i know wouldn’t betray my trust. they may not be actual family but they are pretty close. So i do agree with the adage but there defiantly are exceptions.

  9. Although King Lear’s two daughters betrayed him, one of his daughters remained faithful. Sometimes “blood runs thicker than water” can be true. I believe that it all depends on the person. Someone in your family can be just as loyal to you as a friend. It does not matter if you are related, it just matters what type of person you are. Now that I think about it the people that I do trust are the people in my family. Most of my friends have betrayed me before. I believe I can trust my friends but you never know these days.

  10. THis is an extremly complicated question but i do not think "blood is thicker thann water" simply for the fact although people like my mother and sister and father and my my mothers side fo the family are my biggest support system and i know i can trust them with my life. I also equally trust my best friend Kim Craig. Although we are not related there is nothing i can't share with her. My sister Carly is equally trust worthy, but i don't think its because of blood. I believe we naturally trust our family and its easy tom completly trust them since they know you insdie out anyway. With other people like me and Kim its scary to let them know absolutley everything but if the person is a good person then even if they know everything its completly possible to be just as close to them as your family. As they say friends are the family you choose.

  11. To be truthfull honest, there isn't someone outside my family that I would trust over my family. While there are plenty of people i trust just as much as my family... by plenty i mean a distinct five people. I still wouldn't trust them OVER my family. Expecially since moving. I keep in touch with them as much as i can but in the end, I'm all about my family.

  12. i do believe that blood is thicker than water. i can trust anybody in my family with anything and i know this will always be true. i do however have people in my life outside my family whom i can trust with some very deep material. there are some times when this standard could be reversed but for the most part it stays pretty straight forward and blood is thick than water. family is forever and friends could turn on you in a second if anything ever went wrong

  13. I do believe that blood is thicker than water. I know that in my family, I have a better relationship with my parents and my sister, than I do with any of my friends. My family will watch over me and make sure that everything that I need done, will be done if necessary. I know that I trust my father the most from anyone in my family. He is the person of whom I look to the most for homework help and support through sports. My relationship with my mom and my sister is not as well, becuase we tend to fight a bit, so that makes it tense at times.

  14. I do believe that "blood is thicker than water," you should be able to know that someone you trust is going to stick by you no matter what happens. Someone I trust to always stand by me are my best friends, I wouldn't name just one because I believe that all of them would stand by me no matter what the circumstances were. They will always be there for me and I would always be there for them. I think that is very important to have someone you trust and rely on in your life.

  15. "Blood is thicker, than water" really holds no meaning to me. There are many people you will meet in life with the capacity to have your trust just as much as any family member. One of my best friends emily who while i can have a rocky relationship, I'm capable of telling even the darkest things in my mind and know evenb though it may be scary its okay with her.


  16. That saying does hold water with me. Its really a great thing to have someone other than family to be able to talk to. I could always talk to my 5-8th grade lacrosse coach. He would always listen to what ever anyone had to say and try his best to help in what ever way he could.
