Monday, March 15, 2010

But my daddy didn't love me...

It's clear to all in the King's family that Cordelia is the favorite daughter. In the eyes of Regan and Goneril, their father played favorites and his demise was their revenge. Do you agree? Is it the fault of a neglectful father that these two daughters behaved the way they did? Did dear old dad get what he deserved for loving Cordelia more?


  1. I feel as though Regan and Goneril had selfish intentions. Lear ultimately, should have loved his duaghters equally, and therefore that was a factor in Regan and Goneril's selfish behavior.

  2. It is very certain the Lear did love Cordelia more than he loved his other two daughters, but when it came time to show their love and affection for their father's land, Goneril and Regan put on a good act. They showed their father the love he wanted, although it was fake and Cordelia could not show love for her father's kingdom and land, because she loved him for who he was not what he had. It really is fair to say that it was the king's stupidity that led to his downfall. He lived with his two daughters that didn't love him and they would eventually want him to leave. It is not Lear's fault that these girls behaved the way they did, but he should have realized that Cordelia would not have treated him the way that the other two did. And, yes, I do think that Lear did get what he deserved for not seeing through the fake love that his two daughters showed for him.

  3. I believe that Lear did love Cordelia more. Lear loved his daughter enough that he took away her inheritance in order for her to learn more about her self and the importance of family. Lear did not understand that Cordelia really loved Lear so much, but had the sense to realize that what her sisters were saying did not bode well for their husbands. Cordelia however knew, that she would need to give her husband, when she got one, the same amount of love in order to live a happy and productive life. Lear's inability also to respect his other daughters wishes when he came to live with them for a month, was also showing his inability to appreciate any of his daughters in a way that everyone would be happy.

  4. I believe that King Lear should never have played favorites with his daughters Cordelia, Regan, and Goneril. It was wrong for him to favor Cordelia over the others. I do not believe that Regan and Goneril behaved so poorly due to neglect, though. I don't think that revenge is what they needed to solve their problems with Lear. Since their father was showing such immaturity and unkindness, I think that they should have learned from his mistakes and worked on bettering themselves so that they wouldn't follow in their father's footsteps.

  5. I don't think that Lear deserved such awful treatment just because he favored Cordelia. Although Regan and Goneril may have gotten less attention then Cordelia I do not believe that justifies them betraying their father. Cordelia was favored because it was clear what a kind and loving person she was and she treated her father so well. I'm sure that if Regan and Goneril showed their father love rather than just talk about it he would have loved them a lot more. As a result, Lear shouldn’t be punished for loving Cordelia as much as she loved him. Knowing this I would hope that Regan and Goneril turned against their father because it was in their nature, not to get revenge on him for loving Cordelia more.

  6. I believe that it was all a part of Regan and Goneril’s plan. Since their father did favor Cordelia so much, they probably became extremely jealous and angry. In a way, it is the fault of the neglectful Lear. If my father favored my siblings more than me, I would definitely have a problem with it. Though no matter what, I would never treat my father so poorly. I would still love him just not show it as much to hopefully punish him with my ignorance. I believe that Lear deserved to be with the daughter whom really loved him rather then had to be convinced with words when he knew at heart Cordelia was perfect for him. He deserved this awful treatment but, only to a certain extent.

  7. Please be sure to proofread. Make sure that your post make sense and is free of spelling errors before hitting the "post comment" button!

  8. Even though Lear did love Cordelia more than the other two sisters, Regan and Goneril were not just in the way that they treated their father. Yes, Lear should not treat one daughter better than the rest. But, that does not mean that Regan and Goneril should be evil and put him out into the cold. Their father is the one who raised them and gave them the title they have now. Instead of treating him in such a poor manner, they should have just talked things through with him. I do not think that it was Lear's neglect that makes his daughters treat him the way they do, but instead it is just the evil manner that they posses. Lear did not get what he deserved for treating Cordelia better than the rest.

  9. I do not think it was Lear's fault he was betrayed. Even though he loved Cordelia more than his other daughters, he did not deserve the treatment he received. In my opinion Reagan and Goneril did not deserve any love from their father because of how evil they were. they played him by professing false statements of love in order to take his land and power. Then once they had power they wanted nothing to do with Lear or his knights. I do not think Lear deserved what happened to him.

  10. Although Lear did have more love for his daughter Cordelia, there is no need for Reagan and Goneril to act the way they did. For the simple reason that in the end he did give them the land in which they earned. However, they earned it from false love that they preached to their father. So both the daughters and Lear are wrong for the falsification of love. Love should not be shown by materialistic items or false words.

  11. I think that Goneril and Regan did believe that their revenge was the demise of their father. Although King Lear favored Cordelia the most, he favored her because her love for him was genuine. Goneril and Regan’s love has always been fake towards their father because all they want is the wealth he provides. If they showed true compassion for their father like Cordelia has than maybe King Lear would not have to pick favorites.

  12. In my opinion i believe the fact that King Lear was so obviously in favor of Cordelia had little to do with Cordelia and Regan's utter destruction of him. Although, it was apparent that King Lear did favor Cordelia he ended up banning her! Although it was simply in a fit of rage and scorn at the moment Lear did make the foolish decision to get rid of his favorite daughter. In that instance Cordelia was no threat to Goneril or Regan. Their daddy was all theirs with No Cordelia to get in the way. Instead of being kind to their dad and simply getting along the women made his life hell. They treated him as a child and tried to make him feel emasculated. So in the end the women were going to do what they needed for any power they could get and his favoritism is an easy excuse for them to ponder their wrong doings off on.

  13. Personally I think Goneril and Regan should get over themselves. Sure, before he split up the land Cordelia was thought to be the favorite, but she never got any of the land in the end, so why did they care? The two sisters who worked together to destory their father had everything anyway, so I realy don't think Lear deserved what they did to him. They're just being selfish.

  14. i believe that goneril and regan were neglected greatly. it was injust to openly treat one better than the other. Lear should have been equal to all of his daughters. if he had just been fair, things may have chsnged. He brought his own downfall against himself when it could have been stopped had he only seen the light sooner

  15. I think that it is King Lear’s fault that his daughters made his demise but I do not think that it was his fault. I think that if he did not spoil his daughters and always give them what ever they wanted, he would not have such rotten daughters. Also he should have treated all of his daughters equally because all the pent up anger from ill treatment was bound to come back to him. But I do not think that King Lear deserved to be treated and killed the way that he was, it was cruel and unjust.

  16. While Lear did blatanly show he loved Cordelia more, I feel this wasn't the cause for treachery. Goneril and Regan seemed to have planned to take the power of the king lonmg ago. Without his devotion to Cordelia really effecting their plans anymore so. Lear indeed did not deserve the end which he received, for he had never trully wronged them.

  17. Selfishness and wrong doing can't all be blamed on the father. Although he should have loved all his daughters the same that doesn't give Regan and Goneril the right to murder people and try and ruin their father's life. Thats wrong.
