Friday, November 6, 2009

Archetypes in Haroun

Discuss your favorite "archetypal character" from the novel. Identify which archetype the character is, how s/he depicts aspects of the definition of this achetype, and what you like most about this character and why.


  1. My favorite archetypal character from the novel is Iff, the water genie. Iff is a mentor to Haroun, even though, at first he is extremely reluctant to take him on the adventure. Iff displays the qualities of a mentor through his ability to serve as almost a teacher to Haroun when they are on their journey, and Haroun is seeing all of these strange things for the very first time. You could even argue that he is serving as a role model for Haroun, like a mentor would. Iff is very informative overall, helping Haroun to understand exactly what is going on, making the reader view him as a nice character, and mentor. What I like about Iff most is his adventurous side. He is not afriad to travel to all of these odd places with Haroun, and seems to be full of excitement. I also like Iff because he seems like a very honest and trustworthy character. For instance, when Haroun was asleep, he could have taken the disconnecting tool, and left Haroun, but he did not do that.

  2. My favorite archetypal character from Haroun and the Sea of Stories would be Haroun himself. Haroun is an archetypal character because he makes me think about things going on in my life. When Haroun goes to the Gup City he goes for his father because he no longer tells stories because his mother left them. Haroun's parents are separated and this makes me think of my parents’ divorce. Haroun is my favorite archetypal character because he is willing to do anything to help his father. Haroun travels to a whole different planet because there is a slight possibility of helping Rashid. Haroun believes that his father not being able to tell stories is his fault and he has to get his story water back. Haroun is my favorite character because he puts family first and is willing to go to a war torn planet to safe his father.

  3. Haroun is my favorite archetype character in Haroun and the Sea of stories. Haroun goes to earh's unknown planet to save his planet. His imagination makes me think more of what we cannot see or detect from our technology. My imagination goes far beyond in this book then what I can imagine. My imagination can only go upon what I see everyday. Haround however, has to travel to an unknown land in order to bring his mother back to he and his dand, and bring his dad's imagination back to tell hsi stories. Haroun is only a child when he takes this adventure, but has to take a large burden on himself to save everything he knows it as.

  4. My favorite archetypal character from the novel is Iff the water genie. Iff helps me imagine the novel in depth. His explanations help my understanding of the book and illustrate great detail. Iff’s best quality is his personality. He is kind and harmless. When Haroun refuses to give back the disconnecting tool, Iff does not argue. There has been many times where Iff could have taken it back from Haroun, like when he was sleeping, but he didn’t. When Rashid is accused of spying, Iff tells Haroun that his punishment will be something like a time-out. This shows that he has no negative thoughts and would never imagine harming anyone.

  5. My favorite "archetypal character" from the novel is Haroun. Haroun depicts aspects of the definition of this achetype bye being the model of a good son. After Haroun asks his father, Rashid, "what's the use of stories that aren't even true?" he realizes how hurt Rashid becomes and knows that he must fix what he has done. Haroun travels all the way to Gup City to help his father tell stories again. Haroun's actions show how well he treats his father which inspires me to be the best daughter that I can be to my mother. What i like the most about Haroun is that he is selfless. Haroun puts his father before himself and travels to Gup City so that Rashid can be happy again and regain his passion for storytelling. What i also love about Haroun is that he is able to recognize his mistakes and make the effort to fix them. He knows that he shouldn't have disrespected his father and so he works hard to fix his mistake and keep his relationship with his father strong.

  6. My favorite archetypal character is Haroun. I think of Haroun as a hero. Haroun may not have completed any big feat yet, but he does travel all the way to Gup City to help restore his father's storytelling abilities. Haroun risks everything to just help his father. He puts his own life in danger for his family. Haroun is my favorite archetypal character because he makes me realize what I would do for my family, just as he is doing. If I was in Haroun's position I would do the same.

  7. My favorite archetypal character is is the hero Haroun. I feel Haroun is a hero because of his positive attitude and willingness to help others. Harouns journey to Gup City proved his Determination and trustfullness to help his farther with something in which he valued greatly. This trip could have gotten Haroun killed and for him to put his own life in jeopardy means alot. This shows the type of good person Haroun is. Haroun is my favorite because he puts in perspective the love and bond that a family beholds. I know that for my own family, nothing would stop me to help them in a time of need just as Haroun did in the story. He helped me to realize the importance of family values and the extent that people would go for their loved ones.

  8. My favorite archetypal character would have to be Haroun. I think that Haroun is a hero. He tries to help others and brings a good attitude amongst everything he does. He also has a great imagination just like me. He tries to inspire Rashid to keep his creative stories alive and to never give up. This also makes me look at Haroun like a role model and want to help others just like him. He makes me think to appreciate my parents more and respect their decisions.

  9. My personal favorite acrehtypal character is Haroun's father Rashid Khalifa. He depicts the mentor archetype ver well. through out the novel he has stayed strong and tried to be the kind nurturing father to Haroun, even after haroun gave him the greatest insult he could give in Rashid's darkest time. Still Rashid has tried to teach haroun everything he knows telling him story after story. When Haroun sees his father as a suspect of kidnapping the princess his father is a good example to haroun and simply keeps a calm head. He proves his innocence through the truth and his ability to tell it in a convinceing way. Even when Haroun gets angry and flustered for his father.

  10. My favorite "archetypal character" is Mudra. Mudra is a combination of the hero and the outcast. Choosing to leave his dark master and his people when they turn to Evil. Who ultimately goes back to his home to fight against his former master and end the oppresion and suffering within his home. I like him most since he is a outcast relying only on him and his shadow. Along with the fact that instead of speaking he speaks in body gestures of Abhinaya which is quite awesome. Along with the description of his appearance the book gives, Mudra is no less than awesome.

    Zack <3

  11. My Favotite Archtypal Character is acutally two characters. Iff and Butt are the Mentors to Haroun. They are the ones who have the task of first bringing him to Gup city. They are the two who explain everything to him. Without them he would be hopelessly lost. They help him to acomplish his original task but also the task that he got when he arived there.

  12. Considering the definition of an archetype is a person or thing would be something or someone original type or modle. I would have to say that Harooun himself is my favorite "archetypal character". He models that fact that something is going wrong in his fathers life, he will not just sit back and watch it happen. Haroun decides to do something about it, he wants to be the change and be the one that knows that he tried instead of giving up on his father. Haroun shows a great deal of courage by going to Gup City with the water Genie Iff. He shows that he is an unselfish individual and is willing to help.

  13. My favorite archetypal character in haround and the Sea of Stories is Haroun. I think this because Haroun is a very imaginative character in the story and many of his motions have been expressed in the novel. Also, he is very caring for his father and has many traits that are unusual for a young boy to hold.

  14. My favorite archetypal character is Haroun. He is a very positive person and really tries to help people. He cares about his father and goes out of his way to try and help him. He is a very unselfish person and will try to do anything in his power to help his father out.

  15. Iff the water genie would have to be my favorite archetypal character. By definition, Iff fits the mentor archetypal character. He shows Haround that everything in life can be perceived in all different ways and that things aren't just what the seem, that there is more to life than what he sees at face value.
