Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Night Blog # 2 due 12/8

what are your thoughts on the Nuremberg Laws vs. the Jim Crow laws? Are they equally offensive to you? Think about the context in which you have learned about each of these historical events. Are they similar? Different? how?


  1. Jim Crow laws were established after the civil war, during the Reconstruction era. They created the concept, of "seperate but equal" condtions for whites and blacks across America at the time. Although this couldn't be farther from the truth since almost all of these seperate black conditions were worn down and far from equal. Often times especially in the deeper south region those who broke the laws faced public lynchings or being burnt at the stake. Granted as time passed these punishments to some extent became more humane with fines and imprisonment. In contrast the Nuremburg tried to protect the "German blood" same as the Jim Crow laws preventing black and white marriage. The over arching idea of these German laws was to strip the jewish people of everything that made them who they are as people of germany. Overall though I would say the jim crowe laws were worse since often times when borken they simply lead to death in some horrible form rather than the fines and imprisonment set by the Nuremburg laws.

    Zack <3

  2. The Nuremburg Laws stripped Jews of their citizenship and denied them the right to marry anyone of German blood. The Jim Crows Laws separated Blacks and Whites from each other in schools, drinking fountains, buses and many other places. Although the laws were supposed to be equal for blacks and whites, they were not. Blacks were looked down upon and whites thought they were better. The Nuremburg Laws did not try to be something they weren't, unlike the Jim Crow Laws, the Nuremburg Laws were made to make Jews hated. These laws were successful in doing so, people began to hate Jews for no reason at all, and these innocent people were ostracized for something they did not do. The Nuremburg Laws and Jim Crow Laws were set in place to make Jews and Blacks second class citizens, and to make people think that it was okay to treat these people without respect. Although the Jim Crow Laws stayed intact longer I feel that what happened in Germany, with the extermination of the Jews, was much worse. That is not saying that the treatment of blacks in the US was acceptable or justifiable, just on a lesser scale.

  3. While both the Jim Crow laws and the Nuremberg laws were effectively the same i feel that the Jim Crow laws were worse. They put many of the sam restrictions on the civil liberties of the people they affected. The thing that makes them seem worse to me is that they a. were in effect a lot longer than the Nuremberg laws and b. tried to hide in supposed equality. The fact that they hid behind the idea of separate but equal for so long absolutely infuriates me. Now neither was at all justifiable in my mind and I am just at outraged at both but the Jim Crow laws hit closer to home and it annoys me to think that my country allowed this to happen within its borders.

  4. After learning about the Jim Crow laws last year, I was very shocked at how segregated they made blacks and whites. After looking at the Nuremberg laws, it is clear that there are some similarities in how offensive they were to me and to other people. The Nuremberg laws would not allow Jews to marry someone of German blood, and completely stripped the Jews of all their rights and citizenship. These are much like the Jim Crow laws that would not allow black people to be social with whites, and be in the same places as whites, because they were thought of as below them. I think both of these sets of laws should never have been put into effect because they are just so offensive and unnecessary.

  5. I feel that the Nuremberg laws and the Jim Crow laws are equally offensive. Last year in school, we learned about the Jim Crow laws and how these laws created a "separate but equal" status for African Americans. These laws segregated public schools, places, and transportation. They also segregated restrooms and restaurants. The Jim Crow Laws essentially made the white race superior and the black race inferior, which was completely unfair. I believe that the Nuremberg laws are just as terrible as the Jim Crow laws. These laws completely stripped the Jews of their rights as people. They also prohibited the Jews from marrying other Germans. Just thinking about both the Jim Crow and Nuremberg laws makes me sick. These laws were inhumane were harmful to innocent individuals just because of the color of their skin or the beliefs they follow. The laws are similar in that they were discriminatory towards different races.

  6. I think that the Nuremberg Laws and the Jim Crow Laws are equally offensive. As I learned about them in history classes, I always thought that the Nuremberg Laws were worse because the Jews were denied citizenship and marriage rights; however, I now realize that the Jim Crow Laws are just as worse. African Americans had separate transportation rights, schools, etc. than white people. I think they are similar because both the Jews and the African American’s are not treated equally. I believe that both of these laws are completely wrong and one’s ethnicity should not deny them certain rights.

  7. In my opinion, the Jim Crowe Laws and the Nuremburg laws are the same. Though one separete by race and the other by religion, they're essentially the same. As american students, we probably don't understand the full severety of the Jim Crowe Laws and how they were equal to the Nuremburg laws. The same time the Jim Crowe laws were enforced that we as Americans thought were moral, we felt the Nuremburg laws were terrible. We also learn about the Jim Crowe laws much earlier than we do the Nuremburg laws in school. All through elementary school they start teaching us about racism, but antisemetism isn't taught until high school. Because we are taught these two very similar things at two differnt time of our lives in two different ways, we might not find them similar when thinking about them separately, but when you think of them at the same time, its easier to find that they are equal in being offensive.

  8. In my opinion and i'm sure in everyone els's opinion the nuremberg laws and Jim crowe laws are both horrificly unjust and cruel. Yet to me i believe the Jim Crow Laws are more torubling. The nuremberg Laws were more a result of Jews being scapegoats for Germany's torubles, not excusing it, but it helps show the desparity and insanity that was going on throughout Germany. The Jim Crow Laws have no viable argument Americans went back on our own constitution to make this country not only unfair to black people but it made life for them almost unbearable. All of that for the simple difference in the color of our skin. The Jim Crow Laws also bother me because I live in The U.S and always think of what a great place it is, but this horrible shadow reflects the injustices that can happen even in The U.S

  9. In my opinion, I believe that the laws are equally offensive to me because they both claim people as different. Everyone is different in their own way and just because of the religion they follow and their religion.

  10. The Nuremberg law and the Jim crow laws are both similar because they segregate innocent people based upon either their religion or skin color. They do not affect me directly, however they are offensive because they single out people and make them feel different than anyone else; I do not find them equal.

    Jackie Hurley

  11. The Nuremberg Laws were used in Germany to take away a Jewish person's citizenship and their aability to marry someone of German blood. The Nuremberg Laws were set up because the Jewish people were looked down upon and people did not want them to have the same rights as others. The Jim Crow Laws were set up in the United States to help spread the separate but equal doctrine. Blacks were not entitled to the same rights or priveleges as whites were. I think both are equally offensive. I learned about the Nuremberg Laws and the Jim Crow Laws while studying the degradation of one group.

  12. While the Jim Crow laws strictly separated whites from blacks, the Nuremburg laws also had a big impact on specific people. I believe that both were equally as bad and no one had the right to boss any of theose particular people around.

  13. The nuremburg laws were established to seperate Jewish people from the German blood. This gave them no right whatsoever to marry or even talk to Jews. Being a Jewish women myself, I completely disagree with this law. I believe anyone should have the right to marry whomever they wish if they love them. The jim crow laws made blacks and whites seperate from each other which means no talking, no sitting next to each other, no schools together, etc. The Jim Crow Laws are horrifying and if i was in that time period I would have stood up and went against it just like Martin Luther King. I think both of these laws are equally offensive which I learned during my education.
